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Answering Online Exam on Mobile Browser

Use and Appropriate platform for Online exam

If test to be answered on a smartphone or any other handheld device, then Android App should be used for Online Exam on mobile. For the computers, ideally there is App Browser that provides maximum control and security or else there is the standard browsers based interface which is the most basic Online Exam platform. Mobile Browser which is an in-between solution of computer Browser and Mobile App, happens to be the least secure and least preferred platform for answering Online Exam.

A note About Answering Online exam on Mobile Browser

It has been observed that Some students answer the test by opening browser in mobiles.

1. It is likely that the browser will not behave the same in mobile as it behaves on computer.
2. The Layout of Test Screen on Browser is not suitable for viewing on small mobile screens, so it will need lot of scrolling and still uncomfortable viewing.
3. The App interface is optimized for smaller screens. Also the App mechanism has the possibility to store question locally, which is an advantage in case of intermittent internet on mobiles.

Observing the repeated problem of wrong platform use, we have activated the restriction use of correct platform for test.

"You are using inappropriate platform for the activity. Tests can be opened in Browser only in Computer. For other Devices, use App."

In case you wish to bypass the software's possibility to validate the platform, and allow students to answer test in browser without using App on mobiles, it is likely to have sudden breaks or untimely submission. In this case any such reported issues cannot be identified and attended.

If you are aware of the consequences we will allow you to answer the test in browser on mobile.

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