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Exam Software for NEET 2021 and JEE 2021

The Addmen OMR Checker and Online Exam Software are best suited for latest NEET and JEE 2021 patterns.

Answer any 5 questions

In the examination pattern where the the candidate is expected to answer only 5 out of 10 questions, the Addmen Assessment softwares adopt the logic to consider the first five answered questions. So if the candidate has answered only 5 questions, it is an ideal case as per the regulation. But if any candidate has answered more than 5 questions, then also the software approach to consider only the first five questions that contain the answers and ignore the rest of surplus questions that have been answered, suits well to the requirement.

OMR Software

This logical feature of considering only "first 5 out of 10" or "first 10 out of 15" questions is already available in Addmen OMR Answer Sheet Checker since many years. So the institutes that are willing and comfortable to provide the practice their students on pen and paper based exams on OMR sheet can happily choose to adopt the Addmen OMR Examination Software.
Free OMR Sheets for NEET and IIT JEE 2021 are included in Addmen OMR Answer Sheet Checker Software.

OMR Layouts JEE 2021
OMR Layouts JEE 2021 Code Download
NEET2021 112098 PDF CDR
JEE 2021 Mains 112096 PDF CDR
IIT2021 Adv P1 112104 PDF CDR
IIT2021 Adv P2 112105 PDF CDR

Online Exam Software

The same logical approach of limiting the candidate to answer only "5 out of 10" or "10 out of 15" questions is also available in the Addmen Computer Based Test Systems for both NEET and IIT JEE 2021. The Computer based Exam software however has a better control with a possibility to restrict the candidate to mark the 6th question, if he has already marked any 5 questions in that section II. He can attempt another question only after removing his answer from one of the previously answered questions.

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