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Online Exam Software Feature

Addmen Online Exam Software is used for conducting Online Exams as per the various patterns of online exam systems preferred by the institutes.

The Online Exam management software is not very different from what is referred to as Computer Based Exam software or the web based test software. Web based exam software creates an actual online computer test environment which the student will finally face in Online Exam exam. On solving the Online Exam in web based test software for online exam, comparative analysis or ranking of the student is generated. However, offline computer exam software running on personal computer desktop based test interface either as test downloaded from internet or installed on the computer using a CD is used mostly for offline practice, and does not provide any group analysis or ranks.

Addmen Online Exam System Introduction
  1. You can add a link to your website homepage as "Online Exam", and integrate the Online Exam Software as part of your website.

  2. Clicking on the link redirects the user to the software's server location.

  3. Your Institute Name & Logo is displayed on the login screen and on the online exam software page. Addmen is not visible (in website, Logo or name) anywhere on the Software for online exam.

  4. If you want to register students online directly for Online Exam from your website, then add the "Online Exam Registration" Interface to your website.

  5. Payment Gateway is available in the software which can be activated if the Administrator has subscribed to the account.

  6. As many number of branches, courses and batches can be managed.

  7. Admin can create multiple sub users in online exam management system with limited permission.

  8. The layout of the Online Exam Taking Software screen might differ from specific online exam system but majorly all features are available.

  9. Online Exam software has free download utility for the students who do not want to remain connected to the internet for entirely 2-3 hours while solving the test. The candidate can download the online question paper to the Online Exam software free download utility and solve the Online Exam paper offline and then upload the solution for online result processing and online result reports.

  10. Online Exam Results can also be combined with offline OMR Test Results and the compiled Online Exam results can be seen on the website of your institute.

  11. Addmen Online Exam Software is based on .NET platform. It is not an open source online exam software.

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Test Definition
  1. Create branch-specific or batch-specific question papers, so the tests will be visible to only the concerned group of candidates.

  2. You can create Online Exams for any number of questions.

  3. You can also separately upload the test instructions and the test solution files, in HTML and PDF formats.

Test Duration and Period
  1. Set the duration for the test; say 30 minutes for a test containing 20 questions.

  2. Set the start and the end time and date for the test, so the test will only be active for some time, say between Sunday 3:00pm and Tuesday 1:00pm.

  3. Candidates have the privilege of taking the test any time before the expiry of the test period.

  4. A timer is provided to keep a check on the time left before the test ends. If you get accidentally logged out due to issues in network connectivity, candidates can login again after the connectivity issue is resolved and continue the test from where it was left.

Question Paper (Creation & Uploading)
  1. Create your own Online Exam based on the pattern desired by the institution.

  2. Questions are manually written in predefined MS Word files containing grids.

  3. You can also create a question bank using Addmen’s Question Paper Generator Software and then use it to create an Online Exam in the online exam software.

  4. Your online question paper can also contain images and complex mathematical formulae.

  5. On uploading the Question Resource file (as the Word doc templates are referred to), the software will automatically split the questions and options as per the Online Exam pattern.

  6. You can also create Bilingual Online question papers. However, note that the online exam system software does not translate an English question paper into (say) a Hindi test. The text for the second language must also be inputted by the user in the format specified.

Question Grouping & Sections
  1. You can tag the questions according to subjects, sections etc.

  2. Topic tags can be created and applied to questions within a subject/section/topic. For e.g. "Physics" can be a subject tag and "Light" can be tagged as a chapter or a topic in Physics.

  3. You can also set parameters to restrict the candidate from starting another section before completing the current section, by defining all the questions as mandatory to be attempted.

Question Order & Shuffling
  1. The Online Exam management software generates multiple sets of the same question paper you have uploaded by randomly shuffling the questions so each candidate gets a unique Online Exam paper.

  2. You can number the options in different formats, like A,B,C,D or 1,2,3,4 etc.

Marking Schemes

Each question you include in the Online Exam can be allotted a different marking scheme. The online exam software supports all marking patterns, including positive and negative decimal marking, and bonus marking.

View Online Exam Results
  1. According to your Institutes's examination pattern and standards, candidates can be allowed to get instant results that they can view upon completion of the test.

  2. You can also generate a complete detailed graphical analysis report for a student’s performance.

  3. If you have integrated the exam management software with the Addmen OMR Software, you can view the cumulative results from both the Online Exams and the OMR Tests held.

  4. Outputs can be exported to Access, Excel, DBF, CSV or XML formats for printing and distribution of results.

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