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Administrator Dashboard in the Institute Management Software

The user records created in ECAS can be classified into 4 member types. Leads, Students, Staff and Admin. The interface visible to any member depends on the user type he is classified in. So accordingly, if an administrator or a staff member logs in, he gets to see a different interface than a student.

Administrator Dashboard of Institute Management Software Screen shot of the Administrator interface of the browser version of ECAS.

The buttons and tabs for various functions visible on the interface depend upon two factors. Firstly, the modules activated for the institute i.e. the modules purchased by the institute from Addmen, and secondly, the permissions given to this user by the Super Admin of the institute.

Administrator Access Tabs for Operations in various Modules

There are certain features on the Admin Home Screen that are not visible to other type of member types like Leads and Students. For example, The Operations section is visible only to Administrators, not to the students.

Dashboard for Personal Profile Information

When a student or Staff member logs in, they only get to see the Dashboard for their personal information.

Notifications to the Institute Administrator

Requests made for leave application by other staff members or tickets related to complaints and issues raised by students and parents are visible in the notifications section of the Admin Dashboard.

Software Updates and Information

Also, the system update section is visible only to the admin to keep him updated of the changes made in the system by Addmen so that they can make full use of the system.

Reports of this Module

A111101 Admin Admission Distribution Course wise

A quick glance on the member registration database. Gives a fare idea on distribution of > trend of admission enquiries for various courses during past and current years. >students admitted for various courses and batch distribution during past and current years. > monthly enquiry / admission status.

A111102 Admin Admission Distribution Category wise

A quick glance on the member registration database. Gives a fare idea on distribution of > trend of admission enquiries for various courses during past and current years. >students admitted for various courses and batch distribution during past and current years. > monthly enquiry / admission status.

A111103 Admin Admission Distribution Branch wise Year wise

A quick glance on the member registration database. Gives a fare idea on distribution of > trend of admission enquiries for various courses during past and current years. >students admitted for various courses and batch distribution during past and current years. > monthly enquiry / admission status.

A111106 Admin Admission Distribution Year-Branch-Course-Status wise

A quick glance on the member registration database. Gives a fare idea on distribution of > trend of admission enquiries for various courses during past and current years. >students admitted for various courses and batch distribution during past and current years. > monthly enquiry / admission status.

A111109 Admin Admission Distribution Course wise Batch wise

A quick glance on the member registration database. Gives a fare idea on distribution of > trend of admission enquiries for various courses during past and current years. >students admitted for various courses and batch distribution during past and current years. > monthly enquiry / admission status.

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