When a Student Logs in the ECAS, he reaches to an interface where there a several tabs to access hi required information at a single click. The Student Dashboard is quite different from the Admin Dashboard. While the Admin dashboard has more tabs to perform institutional tasks like depositing fee for many candidates and setting up Online Exams or drawing reports, on the other hand the students gets to see quick access tabs for well defined purpose and easy access of information. For example:
My Profile : This button allows the student to check whether the information maintained in the institute database about this candidate is correct or not. So in case the information is incorrect, or the candidate wants to update his own latest phone number or email ID or their own latest profile photo, they can do so from this access point. Of course any action is possible only if the institute permits its students to do. So if the institute does not want that the student should change their phone number or email IDs, this function can be disabled.
Print ID / Admit Card: The currently enrolled students of the institute who are active users of the system can print their own admit cards in case they have lost it. Most institutions issue Admit Cards and Hall Tickets before every examination. dissemination of these Admit cards is a mammoth task and is hardly done manually these days. Now a days the examination bodies upload these admit cards on the institute website or on the ECAS from where the students can download there own admit cards.
Downloads : The students, staff or any other type of member is able to access the downloads section where they can get downloadable content specific to their member type and group. For example a staff will get to download notices and salary slips while the students will get to download his assignments and time table specific to his course.
Test Schedule : The accounts that have the Online Exam module active, display the test schedule to the candidates. Only the tests created for that branch and course group are visible in the list to which the student belongs.
Notifications : All the messages sent to the user by the administrator are seen in this panel. These messages could be individual messages or group messages or system generated messages in the for of fee dues and attendance SMS.
My Reports : The student can have a quick glance at their attendance and accounts reports like receipts and ledgers from their dashboard panel.
Payment Gateway : The ECAS is equipped with several payment gateways using which the students can pay their fee and purchase tests as per the packages set by the institute.
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