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Doubts Session and Academic Problem Solving

Students can ask their doubts and discuss academic problems with their teachers not only during live video classes, but also anytime during odd hours while studying notes late at night or while watching a recorded video lecture anytime later. Thanks to the Doubts module which collects all doubt clearance requests of a student and places it to respective teachers related to the topic.

All the doubts raised across different topics are seen collated on one doubts dashboard of the student so that he gets to see all replies at a single place and doesn't have to wait and go searching for each answer in the related video or study content.

Similarly all the doubts posted by various students to a teacher for various topics that this teacher is responsible to answer, all such doubt requests to a single teacher are visible to that teacher on a single interface, making it simple and seamless for him as a simple chat interface.

How the Academic Doubts and Discussion Module Works?

A doubts icon is available on any of the screen where the student is viewing the study content either in the form of Video Lectures or Readable Notes. Whenever while viewing or reading the student has a doubt he can simply enter down his doubt in the form of a written text note or a voice note or a camera clicked image.

The doubt reaches the desk of the doubt solving faculty who is mapped with that video/notes content. All the doubts raised from all different video lectures or copy secure notes/study material which are mapped to this teacher are visible on this teachers dashboard. In this way the doubt solving teacher may be responsible to answer doubts on various different types of study material across the entire curriculum is able to see all the requests on a single interface, thus keep his task list organised and in control.

Not only the students can randomly raise doubts from different study content, but instead the institute can also pre-define doubt sessions on any given topic where the teacher will be available live at a certain predefined time to answer all doubts related to that topic. Mostly such predefined topic specific sessions are organised by institutes to mark the completion of a topic and the activity and participation in such topic-specific doubts session organised as a special opportunity for the students also determines the participation level of students.

Screenshot of the main interface1 of the Addmen Android APP Screenshot of the main interface2 of the Addmen Android APP Screenshot of Doubut Sessionin Addmen Android APP

Learning Management System Modules

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