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Review and Comparison of Addmen OMR Software with other OMR Solutions

There are 3 types of OMR Solutions available in the market.

Read what makes Addmen OMR Software the best OMR Software....

Old OMR Scanning Machine Technology

Original evolution;

Costly machine;

Costly sheet;

Typical design & calibration process;

2-colour printing & thick paper required;

Raw outputs processed by external software, not very convenient results;

OMR Software's, based on old technology

Do not need a very costly machine, but still need high end scanners;

The OMR sheet design process is same and dependant, calibration takes hours;

Limited designs are offered in basic;

2-colour printing & thick paper required;

Additional modules for OMR sheet design, OMR sheet reading & OMR Test Results

Addmen OMR Sheet Scanning Software

Use any simple scanner, no costly OMR machine, no high-end special scanners;

Very simple, very quick design process, integrated drag and drop interface;

Automatic liberation at design time;

Single colour printing & normal paper used;

The integrated result interface delivers ready to use reports and graphical analysis.

To draw a comparative analysis amongst various OMR Solutions available in the market, we need to understand the basics of each type. In a nutshell, there are 3 major parts of the OMR Process and Addmen OMR Pro excels in all:

  1. Comparison on the basis of OMR sheet design and print;

  2. Comparison on the basis of OMR sheet scanning;

  3. Comparison on the basis of Reading & Processing through OMR Software;

Addmen OMR Software is the best OMR Software

Addmen OMR Optical Mark Reader Software is a very simple, user friendly and cost effective OMR - Optical Mark Reader Software utility which can be used by organizations of all scales to fulfil various purposes related to Optical Mark Scanning for automated data processing of OMR Sheets. Addmen OMR Scanner Software includes OMR Answer Sheet Scanner or OMR Test Checking Software and OMR Form Reader.

OMR Software

This was the original evolution technology and an appreciable OMR solution at that time, evolved around 25 years back.

OMR Software

These are modifications of the old OMR machine software because of pressure created by the Addmen OMR Software. These came into existence 3 years back.

OMR Software

An Ingenuous concept evolved 16 years back, catered to all the loopholes and limitations of the old technology. It is the cheapest, most used, most liked.

Addmen OMR Software is better in the sense of OMR Sheet Designing and Printing

If you will use the old OMR Optical Mark Reader Scanning Machine based OMR solution, you will need special sheets. You will need to buy these sheets from special printers. You will have to order in advance for OMR Sheet printing and the delivery of OMR Sheets will take time. Also the cost of the sheets will be exponentially higher at lower quantities. So, procuring the sheets is always a problem if you are working with the old system.

If you use other software's, maybe you will not need to buy the machine, but sheet design & printing is still very complicated. It takes only an experienced designer to design the sheet externally and then calibrate it into the software.

But in Addmen OMR Sheet Designer Software, you can quickly design your OMR Sheets using drag-and-drop method and print your own sheets using your own laser printer or inkjet printer. So there is no dependency on any third party for designing or printing the OMR Sheets. You can print any quantity, any time without bothering or waiting for the OMR Sheet printer to deliver on time.

Addmen OMR Software is better in the sense of OMR Sheet Scanning

You can scan using whatever scanner you have. You can scan on any PC, wherever you have installed your document scanner. It is not compulsory that the OMR sheet scanning can be done only on the computer where you have your OMR Software installed. OMR Software installation and OMR Sheet Scanning can be on different computers.

This gives you absolute freedom, because if you have many branches, but you do not want to spend much money on OMR Software, then you can scan the OMR sheets at your branches/ other centres and bring them to head office by email of FTP. So you can do OMR Sheet checking centrally at your head office using the single OMR Software license.

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