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More Information on Addmen OMR Software Accuracy

Generally everyone who is searching for an OMR Software has a question about accuracy. As a simple answer Addmen OMR Software is 100% Accurate. The OMR accuracy of the OMR sheet reader software would depend on the sensitivity level of the reader software. Depending on the policy of the MCQ examination body, the OMR sheet checker software can read any type of OMR bubble filling.

All the above type of responses can be accurately read
Variations Observed in Marks on OMR sheet

Why the question arises for accuracy?

This question arises mainly because the old OMR Machine or OMR Scanner based technology was not accurate. The accuracy depended a lot on straightness of Print and straightness of the Cut and straightness of the scan. To avoid tilting during scanning, there was a need of thick paper and special printing and cutting of the sheets to get accurate results. Even then it required 2 pass reading at high and low resolutions and then the result of 2 readings was compared to find out discrepancies. But all these problems related to accuracy of OMR software results are eliminated with the Addmen OMR Software.

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