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OMR & IT Solutions
Certified ISO 27001 & 9001

Server Integrated OMR Software

Data Server Integrated OMR System is a Cluster of multiple Local OMR Readers connecting at the Database server for central processing of the read data.

The OMR Software on the central computer has higher set of features for design and setup of the project as well as for the processing of data received on the server. However, the terminal OMR licenses have only optimal features related to Read Sheet and Uploading of data.

The terminal only reads the data and uploads to the server where it is processed, evaluated and result output is generated.

Cases Suitable for Use of Distributed OMR System

Useful for professional teams working on multiple computers and handling large volumes on each computer.

The Data Server Integrated OMR is useful for Coaching classes with multiple centers, wherein they wish to read OMR sheets at the center level but wish to declare combined results at the institute head office level.

The Data Server Integrated OMR is also useful for OMR based election process, where the ballot data is transferred to the central server instantly after reading the sheets at the local ballot processing center.

Data Server Integrated OMR finds extensive use with the large scale government projects to collect data at many distributed locations. The Integrated OMR System can also be used in all such cases where multiple teams post their data to central server.

Server Based OMR

Features of Data Integrated Distributed OMR System

Quantity and Workload:

Useful when sheet quantity is high and transfer of image is not a feasible idea, so reading is done locally at multiple locations and later the data is uploaded

Computer Location:

The computers may be located on a single site or distributed locations. The central SQL database must be accessible though IP at all locations.

Software Requirement:

OMR software is required on every computer for local reading. Professional OMR is required essentially on Server. Terminals may have standard or professional OMR with optimal modules and data transfer facility.

Starting Budget And Scalability:

Reasonable/Scalable Budget. Because Price varies as per number of licenses.

Scalable with price impact. Increase in cost of child license for every terminal.

Licensing Modes can be multiple Standalone or Network/ Site License


Administrator has OMR interface (with Design, Definition, Read & Process modules) and Scanner interface for scanning images
End-Users have OMR Interface for reading and uploading data

Image and Data Transfer:

OMR images do not transfer, they remain on local computer of the user.

It is meant for local scanning, reading and upload of compressed data.

User gets instant prompts for incorrect scans, so he can correct and read again.

Allows data reading, validation, editing and exception handling with greater flexibility
Data is uploaded to the central database server immediately after reading the sheets.

Only data is uploaded, sheets are not uploaded so it involves less data transfer and takes less time. If desired, sheet images can also be uploaded, but that will increase the transfer time.

Photographs, signatures and other images on the OMR sheet can also be read and uploaded with or without the complete sheet image.

User Control and Functional variations:

Each terminal has a login based access, so that the off-project access can be controlled.

Sheets are created at the central location and can be synced with the terminals. So different layouts can be read by the terminals as per the project.
The system allows independent working besides centrally defined projects if requisite modules are added.

OMR System with Central Data Server
Branches have to Login to connect to server, hence access can be controlled from the Server Branches have to Login to connect to server, hence access can be controlled from the Server
Various controls for Managing Data Upload Process, Data is Encrypted before upload. Various controls for Managing Data Upload Process, Data is Encrypted before upload
Encrypted Data Uploaded to Server is deciphered by the Server software to deliver useful data Encrypted Data Uploaded to Server is deciphered by the Server software to deliver useful data

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