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Professional Question Paper Generator FAQs

What is the maximum no. of questions professional Question Bank Software can handle maximum number of shuffling patterns?

Logically there is no such limit on the number of questions. Usually question papers are in the range of max 50-300 questions. The software has been well tested in this range, but nothing stops you from making a question paper with more questions.

There is no limit on the shuffling patterns. It is all randomized, so you can expect all of the 100000 question papers to be different in some or the other way. Unless coincidentally same in a large sample, there is hardly any probability of the sets to be same. There is an additional process in the software to identify duplicate sets before final paper generation. Then there is also a process to replace the duplicate set by a new one.

QPG Generate Paper Basic Question Paper Generation Panel with Professional Features Options

What is the time taken for the Question bank software to generate an input from a Question Bank of 200 questions to generate around 100,000 unique question patterns?

The paper generation process has to parts,

What is the recommended PC configuration for Professional Question Bank Software?

In production environment, the professional question paper generator system comprises of multiple computers, out of which one acts as the central data server. This central computer need not be very hefty, but there are several nodes which fetch the shuffled set information from the DB server and then proceed with copy paste locally. So the terminals will perform according to the efficiency of configuration, however the minimum is nominal current day configuration. Each PC must have Word and Excel.

Professional Question paper generator Price model

Because of specific requirement and addon features, the price for professional Question paper generator obviously has a higher price than standard question paper generator variant SQ.

The pricing model is onetime charges based on number of licenses.

The basic package includes one basic and two sub license.

You can increase more sub licenses for more production as the paper generation is time consuming process.

In case of Advanced Question paper generator, generally this price is not as per product but as per solution, the size of which can be identified after discussion.

There are per site charges in case of all the 3 variants: Standard Question Bank Software, Professional Question Bank Software, and Advanced Question Bank Software.

Annual Support charges for various variants of Question Bank Software

In case of Standard and Professional Question paper generator software, the annual support and maintenance charges fall in the range of 10-15% of the basic license cost like any other Addmen software. However if any customizations are worked upon, the Annual Support and Update charges can be calculated or shared after later stages.

In case of multiuser  Advanced Question paper generator, which works on server browser architecture, since this is a custom type of project, there is no fixed AMC slab like other off-the-shelf products. It can be anywhere between 10-25% per deployment.

What would be the timeline for deployment of the software in case of any minor modification which many not be that complex, 

Software can be deployed instantly on order. To save time, basic software can be deployed instantly because there is quite some learning and preparation to be done. Even if there is a customization required, it can be taken up parallelly and be later updated as patch before production.

As a general response, timeline for any customizations can be guessed judged or shared, only when the requirement is known. However as you say – minor modifications, so most can be done on SoS basis within a week or 10 days.

The delivery time of a customization is less dependent on how many days required to work, but more dependent on how many days required to start. The timing of requirement also dictates how long will it take to deliver. Sometimes if the same group of developers are pre-occupied in some other project, it might take time to start. Right now we are occupied in launch of version 18, so any customizations in the month of feb18, must be shared much in advance with sufficient time margin.

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