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How to Obtain Accurate Results from OMR Software?

An analogy to understand the Word Accuracy

The accuracy of the answer depends on the accuracy of the question.

A teacher simply asked his student- what is the population of India?- A straight answer comes, 125 billion.

Is it a correct answer? Probably yes, because when we talk about figures like population, the default assumption is a rough estimation in billions. But is it exactly the population of India?

Now the teacher changed the question- what is the population of India in 2016? – The answer would be 127 billion 38 million 7 lakhs.

There is substantial difference in figures of both the answers. But, both answers are correct in light of their respective questions.

Unless the purpose of the question and the range of expected outcome is set, the responses are based on obvious default.

Apply the same to the case of OMR reading.

The accuracy of response depends upon policy of evaluation.

We come across many queries asking about the accuracy of OMR Software. It is most important to understand that OMR Software accuracy is not a fixed property of the software.  Perfectness of accuracy obtained is subject to your definition of accuracy expected and the policy behind judgement.

On the same OMR sheet different users might expect the software to behave differently.

Some user is strict and wants to read only bubbles filled as per norms while other user is considerate to read even small responses. This software has both types of users. So if the software has a fixed accuracy setting to respond to only big marks, it will be accurate for one type of user but inaccurate for the other. So it has feature to adjust its response settings to deliver 100% accurate results according to user expectation.

Example: If one same sheet has properly filled bubbles and partially filled bubbles. Then what do we expect from the software?

Approach for Accurate Reading

It is important to understand that preparation for obtaining accurate data starts right at the stage of planning the sheet layout. Choosing a correct mode of scanning is also important as per the need of that sheet design. All steps put together lead to accuracy.

The Addmen OMR Software, IS DEFINITELY 100% ACCURATE.

Depending upon the sensitivity settings made by the operator, an OMR block is either read accurately or it is alerted/prompted/tagged, but there is no scope for an unattended or skipped by chance bubble.

A user should definitely expect to get 100% accurate result only if the design, printing and scanning guideline have been followed. But it is wrong to expect accuracy out of any inappropriate sheet layout that has been developed with negligence and put forth for the software to read.

Inaccuracy should be seen as inability to correspond to the set policy. If the user wants to read small marks but the setting is made for low sensitivity to read only big marks, then obviously the software will behave as per setting, and will not give accurate result, because the setting is wrong.

So it is utmost important to decide the Evaluation Policy and make appropriate settings in the software and then obviously it can be observed that software is 100% accurate at all times.

Variations Observed in Marks on the OMR sheet

Variations Observed in Marks on OMR sheet

Software Response at Different Settings and 100% accuracy obtained by adjusting settings

Strict Setting for Bubble Relaxed Setting for Bubble Setting for Light Intensity Impact Setting for Very Small impact
Sensitivity : 40 /0 /10 Decreased
Threshold :150 Default
Sensitivity : 30 /0 /10 Default
Threshold :150 Default
Sensitivity: 15 /0 /5 High
Threshold :160 Improve
Sensitivity: 7 /0 /5 Extra High
Threshold :160 Improve

Strict Setting for Bubble

Relaxed Setting for Bubble

Setting for Light Intensity Impact

Setting for Very Small impact

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