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How does the Online OMR System help the Psychological Test users?

Online OMR Software

There are many practising clinical psychologists, researchers and other organizations throughout the country who conduct psychological assessment tests for small to large group sizes. Besides some avenues where one to one interaction and counselling is done, there are several other avenues, say a 'seamen recruitment drive in a shipping company' may have around 300-500 candidates taking the psychometric test on a single date.

Even popular psychological assessment centres, have good daily inflow of candidates lining in for their psychological and occupational aptitude assessment tests.

Much guidance and reference material is provided about the interpretation and analysis of the data collected from these psychometric assessment questionnaires, but there is almost no facilitation to read these Multiple Choice Questionnaires.

A major challenge is to read these questionnaire response sheets and get the data out. Users mostly do it manually. Since this is a mammoth task to get the data of hundreds of questions manually punched into excel or any other statistical software, the buyer of these test kits, is usually compelled to find his own ways and means of reading the data which quite sometimes lead even to copyright violation.

The quantities are not always as large that the practitioner can afford costly OMR scanner and Softwares, also the layouts may vary as a practitioner might use multiple questionnaires in his practice. So flexibility with economy is required in a solution that facilitates reading of such questionnaires. This is exactly what Addmen Online OMR Sheet Reader provides.

Addmen Online Sheet Reader is an online platform, for reading MCQ based Psychometric Questionnaires. This access to this platform can be provided as a bundled value addition to the buyers of thePsychology test packages. The platform is not only limited to OMR (pen & paper) system, but also have its online feedback and Android App extensions.

If a packaged solution is also provided which the test buyers can efficiently use, this will not only lead to minimize copyright infringement, but also help to collect data for the future practitioners and researchers and help them to avoid "reinventing the wheel" by creating an added resource of a data warehouse which can be used by future users for academic and research purpose.

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